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Team Lead: Dawsyn Schraiber
Senior in Computer Engineering

The Avionics subteam’s responsibilities encompass the rocket’s overall electronic and software design/implementation. This includes, but is not limited to, the Active Drag System’s PCB and algorithm, the Payload PCB and telemetry project, and the Recovery Bay wiring and battery selection.

The goal for Avionics this year is to develop a more cohesive and quality electronics stack with common design principles for the 2024-2025 competition year. Gone are the days using the Beaglebone as a primary flight computer and in its place custom RP2040-based PCBs with proper power management and reusable, modular software components. Know that while this is a “move fast and break things” type of design team, it will be critical to consider how to verify and validate these custom projects from the ground before they are ever placed in a rocket.