2024 Team walking rocket to the pad for Second Test Launch

2024 Team walking rocket to the pad for Second Test Launch

Hanna, Dawsyn, Binay, and Demetra at Spaceport 2023

Hanna, Dawsyn, Binay, and Demetra at Spaceport 2023

Whipsnake at 2018 Spaceport America Launch

Whipsnake at 2018 Spaceport America Launch

Hanna and Dan retrieving an L1 Rocket

Hanna and Dan retrieving an L1 Rocket

5 members posing with the successfully certified rockets

5 members posing with the successfully certified rockets

2024 Team at Second Test launch Loading the Rocket onto the Pad

2024 Team at Second Test launch Loading the Rocket onto the Pad

2023 Spaceport

Daniel Young posing with his L1

Daniel Young posing with his L1

Trevor and Jack working on the airframe

Trevor and Jack working on the airframe

Hanna's L1 Rocket going "to the stars"

Hanna's L1 Rocket going "to the stars"

Ben Anderson Integrating Active Drag System for flight

Ben Anderson Integrating Active Drag System for flight

Morgan Duty Launching her L1

Morgan Duty Launching her L1

Ben mounting L1 Certification Rocket

Ben mounting L1 Certification Rocket

Trevor and Jack preparing to cut down fins

Trevor and Jack preparing to cut down fins

First L1 Certs of the season

First L1 Certs of the season

"Ad Astra" mid-flight

"Ad Astra" mid-flight